Friday 10 June 2016

Now in Reading: Dagugli Live Art, The Drop-in Artist

As a founder of Dibujo a Domicilio in Madrid, I want to continue this activity by my own in Reading and in London as Dagugli Live Art : The Drop-in Artist. 
The Activity works like this:
-You invite me at your place.
-We performed five  fifteen minutes poses
-You can purchase any of the sketches at a very good price (As I am asking friends to help me to start this project so is very affordable)
Anyway, if  you don´t want to buy for any reason any of them I will share your pictures in a Picassa álbum, and also on facebook (without tagging) so you can download them and do some prints, share the experience with friends ot what ever  you want at any moment.
I would like to do at least one visit a Week. 
Help me to reach as many places as possible so at the end we all ended at the National Portrait Gallery! 
Are you up to it?!

In spanish: Dibujo a Domicilio Video:

Visit 1: At the Begining, Soraya. 
Soraya is a friend of mine, I ask her to invite me long time ago but it was after almost a year that I decide to beging with the drawing experience at homes. I was missing so much doing what it was so far, a four years activity.

Soraya es amiga mía. Le pedí que me invitara a dibujarla hace un tiempo y tuvo que transcurrir casi un año para empezar ha hacer dibujos a domicilios en Uk. Llevaba haciendo esto por mas de cuatro años en Madrid y tenía muchas ganas de empezar.Tal como empecé en Madrid... Gracias a los amigos.

To see all the drawings here

Visit 2: Nacho, My first appointment.

To see all the drawings here

Nacho is Natalia very best friend of mine´s flat mate. She is the responsible of this drawing session. Nacho was very excited about the idea of being painted and I was more than happy with his enthusiasm. He wanted to be drawn in its favorite place at home where he has spend so much time having long chats with friend and roomates. As we are all emigrants in Uk, we know that most of the places we habit are going to be memories. So why not? lets make it memorable!

Nacho es compañero de piso de una gran amiga y unas de las primeros modelos del proyocto Dibujo a Domicilio. Gracias a ella fue posible esta magnífica sesión. Inmediatamente Nacho se entusiasmó. La idea era hacer en principio un dibujo que le recordará su experiencia en Uk. Especialmente la casa en la que vive.

La primera pose en el sofa y con el cojín entre las piernas da testimonio de muchos ratos compartiendo hazañas y conversaciones con sus compañeros de piso. Dos sofás adorna la sala. El de perra hundida, Allí me senté yo, pero por poco tiempo y el de Perra Ambiciosa. Allí se sentó el modelo. Pero la ambición no se quedó en el sofá sino que le dimos rienda suelta a las demás poses. Nacho se convirtió en mi "Musa" o mejor Muso.

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